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Tacca's NVG mod

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Tacca's NVG mod Empty Tacca's NVG mod

Message par Admin Mer Oct 11, 2023 11:26 am


Messages : 1293
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2020
Localisation : Brest


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Tacca's NVG mod Empty Re: Tacca's NVG mod

Message par Admin Dim Oct 22, 2023 2:54 pm

J'ai testé en F-16C et Ka-50 III.


Messages : 1293
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2020
Localisation : Brest


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Tacca's NVG mod Empty Re: Tacca's NVG mod

Message par Admin Sam Oct 28, 2023 11:39 pm

Perso , j'ai mis cette vu en NVG , mais il est trop haut ,quelqu'un serait il me dire qu'elle ligne du fichier LUA faut modifier pour descendre la vue.
Oui je sais  , c'est noté en dessous mais  , une fois de plus je sèche.
static const float2 EYE_CENTER = float2(0.5f, 0.655f)  mais quoi mettre pour que sa descende ???

Tacca's NVG mod Image_10

1. Extrait de .rar vers le dossier mod JSGME

2. Ajustez les variables selon le guide ci-dessous dans « JSGME MOD FOLDER/Tacca’s NVG mod 1.3.1/Bazar/shaders/common/MOD_nvg.hlsl » pour changer de forme, etc. Vous DEVEZ changer les variables avant d’appliquer le mod dans JSGME

3. Appliquer Mod dans JSGME

Variables Guide

Mode de rendu :

0 = plein écran,

1 = NVG sans anneau,

2 = NVG avec anneau,

3 = NVG avec anneau et léger zoom (non fonctionnel)

Tacca's NVG mod Render10

modes de rendu.jpg

Taille et position des yeux :

EYE_CENTER = définit le point central de l’effet NVG à l’écran en pourcentage de X et Y en commençant dans le coin inférieur gauche. Par exemple (0,5 F, 0,655 F) = 50 % en travers et 65,5 % en haut.

EYE_SIZE = Définit les diamètres X et Y des lunettes de vision nocturne en pourcentage de la taille de l’écran. Par exemple (0.47F, 0.75F) = 47% de la largeur de l’écran et 75% de la hauteur de l’écran. Étant donné que la plupart des moniteurs ne sont pas carrés, la valeur y devra être supérieure à la valeur x pour former un cercle parfait ; Le rapport entre les deux nombres sera le même que le rapport hauteur/largeur de votre moniteur

Épaisseur de l’anneau :

Remarque : si vous utilisez le mode de rendu, 1 nvg ne sera que la taille de RInner. c’est-à-dire taille = RInner(pourcentage) * Eye_Size = taille réelle.

ROFade = % de rayon du cercle où l’anneau noir commence à s’estomper pour revenir à la vue normale

RMerge = % rayon du cercle où l’anneau noir devient 100 % noir sur le bord intérieur

RInner = % rayon du cercle où la lentille NVG verte commence à passer à l’anneau noir

Copie fichier LUA :

#ifndef MOD_NVG_HLSL
#define MOD_NVG_HLSL


//overall NVG postion and size
static const float2 EYE_CENTER = float2(0.5f, 0.655f);  // SETS CENTER COORDINATE OF NVG EFFECT ON SCREEN   def=(0.5f,0.65f) VR=(0.5f, 0.75f) Tacca (0.5f, 0.655f)
static const float2 EYE_SIZE = float2(0.5f, 0.8f); // SETS X AND Y DIAMETER OF NVG (PERCENTAGE OF SCREEN) def=(0.5,0.88f) VR=(0.8f, 0.7f) Tacca Circle (0.47f, 0.75f) Tacca Wide (0.83f, 0.98f)
// To get clear circles, first decide on your x width. NVG tubes usually cover about 40 degrees of FoV, if you want this set realistically, set this value to be about 40/*1.2
// Note on FoV: DCS defaults to a value of 80 for most jets, but keep in mind that the NVG will scale alongside zoom.
// To get the y vlaue, multiply your x value by your screen ratio, e.g., x * 16/9 = x * 1.7777

//sets which NVG type to use. 0 = full screen, 1 = NVG with no ring, 2 = NVG with Ring, 3 = NVG with ring and slight zoom (not functional)
//note: if using render mode = 1, nvg will only be size of RInner below. ie RInner(percentage) * Eye_Size = final NVG size
static const int RenderMode = 2;

//FOR RenderMode 2 ONLY above^^, sets which type of goggles/rings to use: 1 = Monocular, 2 = Binocular, 3 = Quad
static const int Tubes = 2;
static const float BiOffset = 0.35f; // Offsets additional Tubes by this percentage of RInner*2 def=0.15f Tacca=0.35f
static const float QuadOffset = 0.7125f; // Offsets additional Tubes by this percentage of RInner*2 def=0.7125f Tacca=0.7135f

//RING Sizing
static const float ROFade = 0.90f; //sets outside edge of full black ring, outside of the will fade to no effect def= 0.90f   VR=0.95f Tacca=0.90f
static const float RMerge = 0.83f; // sets inside edge of full black ring def= 0.85f   VR=0.85f Tacca=0.83f
static const float RInner = 0.73f; // sets inside start of fade from NVG effect to black ring def= 0.70f   VR=0.82f Tacca=0.73f

static const float ROFadeSQR = pow(ROFade, 2);
static const float RMergeSQR = pow(RMerge, 2);
static const float RInnerSQR = pow(RInner, 2);

// Color to use for NVGs. This is a hue color where the value represents a percentage of a 360 degrees on the HSL color wheel .
// third = nato green, 0.41f = soviet style
static const float COLORIZE_COLOR[2] =
{ 0.37f, // A-10C def=0.33f
0.41f   // KA-50 def=0.41f (144 degrees hue/360)

// This value and the NVG intensity control (in game) controls the amount of gain of the NVG.
// Larger value means NVG is brighter. RECOMMENDED AT 50.0f and 40.0f
static const float NVG_LIFT[2] =
{   50.0f, // A-10C
40.0f  // KA-50

// Value controls contrast of NVG scope, higher the value the more contrast but results in more clipping of darks and highlights.
static const float contrast = 1.1f; // no contrast curve=1.0f def=1.1f  max~1.4f

// Value controls intensity of noise as gain is increased. Larger value means greater noise. Note that Russian NVG has more noise coded into it so value should be higher.
// RECOMMENDED AT 0.2f (no noise on fullmoon, some noise with no moon)
static const float NVG_NOISE[2] =
{   0.2f, // A-10C no noise=0.0f, def= 0.2f
0.4f  // KA-50


// RBG weighting used in dot product of standard colours (ie NVG mainly amplify reds and not very much green or blue)
static const float3 LUM = {0.9f, 0.2f, 0.03f}; // def={0.9f, 0.2f, 0.03f}

// NVG Type 0 = A-10C. 1 = KA-50.
static const int NVG_A10 = 0;
static const int NVG_KA50 = 1;  

//Used through out hsl to rgb conversion, save calculation time
static const float third = 1.0f/3.0f;  

////////// PROCEDURES //////////////

float hue2rgb(const float p, const float q, const float t)
 float T = t;
 if (t < 0.0f)
{ T += 1.0f;
 if (t > 1.0f)
{ T -= 1.0f;
 if (T < 1.0f / 6.0f)
{ return p + (q - p) * 6.0f * T;
 if (T < 1.0f / 2.0f)
{ return q;
 if (T < 2.0f / 3.0f)
{return p + (q - p) * (2.0f/3.0f - T) * 6.0f;
 return p;

float3 HSLtoRGB(const float3 hsl): COLOR0
 const float h = hsl.r;
 const float s = hsl.g;
 const float l = hsl.b;
 float r = 0.0f;
 float g = 0.0f;
 float b = 0.0f;
 if (l == 0.0f)
r = 0.0f;
   g = 0.0f;
   b = 0.0f;
   float q = l < 0.5f ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
   float p = 2 * l - q;
   r = hue2rgb(p, q, h + (third)); //third is just 1/3 but calculated at start to save time
   g = hue2rgb(p, q, h);
   b = hue2rgb(p, q, h - (third)); //third is just 1/3 but calculated at start to save time
return float3(r, g, b);

//////creates nvg scope
float3 maskNVG(const float2 uv): SV_TARGET0
const float ESRx = pow((EYE_SIZE.x)/2, 2);  //radius of NVG - x axis
const float ESRy = pow((EYE_SIZE.y)/2, 2);  //radius of NVG - y axis
float x = 0.0f;        //used for mask
float y = 0.0f;        //used for mask
float z = 0.0f;        //used for mask
float posy = uv.y - (1-EYE_CENTER.y); //pixel distance from nvg center - y axis
float posx = 0.0f;
float posx0 = 0.0f;
float posx1 = 0.0f;
float posx2 = 0.0f;
float dist0 = 0.0f;
float dist1 = 0.0f;
float dist2 = 0.0f;
float distance = 0.0f;

if(Tubes == 1)
posx = uv.x - EYE_CENTER.x; //pixel distance from nvg center - x axis
distance = (pow(posx, 2)/(ESRx)) + (pow(posy, 2)/(ESRy));  //pixel distance from nvg center - radial
if(Tubes == 2)
float offset = (BiOffset * RInner)/2.0f;
posx0 = uv.x - EYE_CENTER.x + offset/2.0f;               //pixel distance from nvg center - x axis
posx1 = uv.x - EYE_CENTER.x - offset/2.0f;               //pixel distance from nvg center - x axis
dist0 = (pow(posx0, 2)/(ESRx)) + (pow(posy, 2)/(ESRy));  //pixel distance from nvg center - radial
dist1 = (pow(posx1, 2)/(ESRx)) + (pow(posy, 2)/(ESRy));  //pixel distance from nvg center - radial
distance = min(dist0, dist1);
if(Tubes == 3)
float offset = (QuadOffset * RInner)/2.0f;
posx0 = uv.x - EYE_CENTER.x + offset;                 //pixel distance from nvg center - x axis
  posx1 = uv.x - EYE_CENTER.x - offset;                    //pixel distance from nvg center - x axis
 posx2 = uv.x - EYE_CENTER.x;             //pixel distance from nvg center - x axis
dist0 = (pow(posx0, 2)/(ESRx)) + (pow(posy, 2)/(ESRy));  //pixel distance from nvg center - radial
dist1 = (pow(posx1, 2)/(ESRx)) + (pow(posy, 2)/(ESRy));  //pixel distance from nvg center - radial
dist2 = (pow(posx2, 2)/(ESRx)) + (pow(posy, 2)/(ESRy));  //pixel distance from nvg center - radial
distance = min(dist0, dist1);
distance = min(distance, dist2);

{if (distance > 1)
{return float3(x, y, z);
{if (distance > ROFadeSQR)
x = 0.0f;
y = 1.0f;
z = (1 - smoothstep(ROFadeSQR, 1.0, distance))*0.9;
return float3(x, y, z);
else if (distance > RMergeSQR)
x = 0.0f;
y = 1.0f;
z = 1.0f;
return float3(x, y, z);
else if (distance > RInnerSQR)
// note order for calculations
y = (smoothstep(RInnerSQR, RMergeSQR, distance))*0.95f;
x = 1.0f - y;
z = 1.0f;
return float3(x, y, z);
x = 1.0f;
y = 0.0f;
z = 1.0f;
return float3(x, y, z);


Messages : 1293
Date d'inscription : 13/07/2020
Localisation : Brest


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Tacca's NVG mod Empty Re: Tacca's NVG mod

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